The Path to Decarbonize Australia

Australia is a country of abundant beauty and abundant resources. As predicted by climate science, we are one of the first countries seeing the drastic effects of climate change. We are vulnerable to an unstable global climate. Our reefs are dying and our forests are burning.

For many, it feels like an impossible problem, but we need to switch our thinking: the only thing we are lacking in is imagination and ambition. Without a doubt, Australia could be the first country in the world to completely decarbonize. We have a mild climate, ample renewable resources, a comparatively wealthy and healthy economy, and a hard-working and well-trained workforce.

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Saul Griffith
Solving Climate Change With a Loan

Solutions to climate change are readily available, at a lower cost than is widely believed — but only if we think about how to finance 21st-century infrastructure instead of doubling down on troubled and broken 20th-century ideas of bridges, roads, and power lines.

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Saul Griffith